Scott Hawbaker & Rogue's 90's Trans Am WIP
Giving everyone a heads up on what's in the horizon. First off, i am working with Darren aka Rogue with models for a Trans Am Series from the early 90's. Darren has posted several pictures of his models in progress, and I have been working on a Dodge Daytona from that era. No time frame for this mod as the models are still in the building stage. All research and painting done by Highbank.
Next off, I am working on a USAC Legends mod. This is a mod which hopefully will have a few different carsets. Highbank has offered his help in painting some cars. I have several cars done, and many paints completed. Again, no time frame for release. Most of the cars are done, reworked Nascar Legend cars, but I have had to build a couple cars the past few months. Dick Trickle's 1970 Mustang and Ramo Stott's 1975 Plymouth Roadrunner.
The third mod in the works is a mod I started a couple years ago, with the building of a 1986 Ford Thunderbird. This will be another Legends mod, probably based on around 1986. Currently I have the 1986 Monte Carlo Aero Coupe still being built on the Zmodeler. Still a long way off, as I have probably another 3 car models that will have to be built, and many paints to be done. Anyone looking to contribute, and paint some cars would be welcome. The only largely compete is the T bird. So I do have templates for those.
The last project in mind is a USAC Silver Crown update. I did a Silver Crown mod several years ago, never liked the physics and have been wanting to do a new one with updated paints as well. Yes, I like sprint cars, what do you expect when I live an hour from the Knoxville raceway.

This mod has not been started, and no time frame for it. So, there is a look into the future.
I have some pictures I have uploaded of the various projects, with only the USAC legends and a couple images of the 1986 NL Legends. I will upload more as the mods progress.
Here's a quick peak of Rogue's Olds Cutlass during it's testing session. painted by Highbank.